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Development Costs

Essential Project

Budget size: USD 10‚000 - USD 50‚000

Key Features
  • Involves using readily available assets, pre-built templates, and focusing on core functionalities rather than intricate details.
  • Limited features, typically targeted at specific training or educational purposes
  •  Development time is minimized, keeping costs lower

Mid Level Project

Budget Size: USD 60‚000 - USD 150‚000

Key Features
  • Immersive experiences with interactive elements
  • Custom 3D models
  • Multiplayer functionalities

  • Involves level of story development or branching narratives

  • Integration of existing solutions with custom development elements

Large Scale Project

Budget Size: USD 200‚000 +

Key Features
  • Advanced physics simulations
  • Complex character animations
  • Custom-built tools for development
  • Target specific industries, like healthcare military and engineering, with high-fidelity requirements

Marketing Costs

VR Marketing

Budget size: USD 15‚000 - USD 85‚000 per month

Key Benefits
  • Showcase complex products in a realistic 3D environment for deeper customer understanding
  • Track user behavior within the VR experience to gain valuable insights into customer preferences and campaign effectiveness.

  • Facilitate virtual meetings and presentations, enabling seamless collaboration regardless of location

AR Marketing

Budget size; USD 6‚500 - USD 50‚000 per month

Key Benefits
  • Overlay digital information and functionalities onto real-world products, enhancing product demonstrations and customer experiences
  • Track user interactions with AR experiences to gain insights into customer behavior and engagement
  • Allow potential customers to virtually "place" products in their environment, facilitating informed purchasing decisions.

Post Production Costs

Spatial / Binaural Audio

Budget size; USD 500 - USD 16‚500

Key Benefits
  • Immersive and interactive product experiences by adding spatial depth and realism to audio cues, showcasing product functionalities in a more engaging way.
  • Implement across various platforms, including VR/AR experiences, web-based applications, and mobile apps, reaching a wider audience without requiring specialized hardware.
  • Facilitate more natural and engaging remote collaboration by simulating a shared physical space through spatial audio, improving communication and team dynamics.

Stereoscopic Video

Budget size; USD 8‚500 - USD 50‚000

Key Benefits
  • Engaging and interactive training materials with a sense of depth and realism
  • Unique and differentiated brand experience through captivating 3D visuals, fostering deeper customer engagement and brand recall.
  • Addition of new dimension of depth and immersion to  creative projects, captivating audiences and conveying emotions more effectively.
  • Cater to growing demands for immersive content across various industries, such as film, gaming, and virtual reality experiences,